Help broaden the impacts of rites of passage – time sensitive request
Please help youth rites of passage be understood, valued and strengthened – Participate in a Rite of Passage Research Study by October 31st!
For the last year, Youth Passageways has been collaborating with researchers at the University of San Francisco and Dominican University, in consultation with National Rites of Passage Institute and the Center for Youth & Community, Inc, to conduct research to build an evidence base on rites of passage for adolescents and young adults. More than a study on a single rite of passage effort, organization, or approach, this collaboration is designed to look at youth rites of passage broadly.
Please further these efforts today, by:
- Take this 20 minute SURVEY
- Share the survey with those 18+ who have been served by your work!
- Contribute your data to our growing evidence repository to help us tell the story of rites of passage in the world today.
This effort has the potential to provide meaningful documentation of the impacts of rites of passage on health and well-being for young people; synthesize reams of existing research conducted at the more local level to make it accessible throughout the network; and provide information on what is and isn’t working for our partners and beyond. Your voice is needed–as are the voices of the young people you’ve served.
Learn more here!
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