All Nations Gathering Center
Kyle, South Dakota, US
All Nations Gathering Center Mission:
To provide a safe, nourishing, loving environment so our loved ones can reconnect, learn and heal one another with their medicines and gifts.
Fifteen years ago the Chief Eagles purchased a 12 ½ acre farm on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. We immediately began a renovation project that, when completed, would serve as a community gathering center. Sweat Lodges were built and the renovation of the four thousand square foot barn began. We first installed water and sewer lines. We then installed a bathroom, laundry room and kitchen. We then added a sleeping loft/ meeting room, with both an inside and outside entrance. The barn was then insulated and a furnace and a wood stove were installed. Up to 200 people have stayed in the house, barn, or camping area while attending a cultural teaching program and distributing donated goods.
Four years ago we were able to ally ourselves with the Mankind Project. This project has developed emotional intelligence activities for men. It was during one of these events that a buffalo appeared. The participants did a buffalo kill and formed a Tatanka Alliance. Our Elders told us we have not had a successful alliance for 150 years. The last alliance occurred when the tribes united and defeated General Custer. Through this alliance our weekend experiences provide men with effective emotional tools and skills that are woven into our spiritual teachings. We now have four day gatherings including Boys to Men, Womanhood Camps, Co-ed Gatherings, Healing 0f Healers (led by Elders), and Couples Retreat. The Mankind Project makes it possible for our people to attend some trainings and gatherings outside the reservation.
In 2016 a friend was able to participate in a men’s weekend held at our farm. As a result, he offered the use of Tree Haven, a 47 acre site in Yellow Canyon as a possible site for gatherings. His 47 acre property included a 38 hundred square foot building which is on a paved road. This is a big improvement because of the muddy travel conditions we faced at the other site. We sold the 12 ½ acre site and bought the 47 acre site for the same price. We moved into the facility in December, 2016.
We have completely replaced the water lines, removed insulation, furnace, duct work, electric lines, lights, internal walls, windows, doors, sinks, tubs, showers,
and kitchen. The volunteers from the Mankind Project, residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation, and other friends have donated their services to accomplish this work and to replace almost all the items above.
Four trainings have happened since December on the Tree Haven Site in Yellow Bear Canyon. The Elders have told us that all the medicines the world needs are in this canyon.
Our vision is to create an ecological teaching oasis (footprint) for everyone to experience. A place to:
- Learn how to identify and protect the medicines and the water.
- Become environmentally conscience of our responsibility to the environment and our ancestors.
Our relatives who live here are emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually impoverished. We are building a safe, healthy, and healing environment to revitalize our ancient teachings and to pull up our moccasins and create a beautiful pathway that will last seven generations and beyond.
-Dallas Chief Eagle
Organizational Information
Areas of Work
Age range
- All ages