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Network Ambassador

Sam Bull

Calistoga, California, US

Born in a leap year, Sam founded and has directed LEAPNOW from 1994 through 2016.  After earning a degree in geology from Princeton U. in 1982, he made a decision not to use the word “career” until he was at least 30, choosing instead to follow the “golden thread” of whatever he most wanted to do. This resulted in 9 years of exploration in the U.S., Asia, Central America and Europe. Some of the highlights were: Extensive study in Hindu and Carmelite(Catholic) monasteries in India and the U.S.; work as a carpenter, waiter, computer consultant, folk music restaurant manager, lobster fisherman, and trail crew leader in California and Alaska. Continuing to follow the golden thread after 30, he coordinated a program for the homeless in the Pacific Northwest, directed a job-training program for youth-at-risk (the New Hampshire Conservation Corps), and was the Career Services Director and International Student Advisor at Naropa University for 2 years. He is a senior fellow of the Hendricks Institute, and is certified in Conscious Relationship Transformation and Body-Centered Transformation through the Institute. Sam is an affiliate faculty member at Naropa University.

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  • All ages


Calistoga, California, US 95448