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The Eschwege Institute

Eschwege, Berlin, DE

We founded the Eschwege Institute and its Training Academy Campus Peregrini, to be able to carry the “rites of passage-work”as well as the community building communication form “Council”, deeper into the society. Our aim is to support the community of people who successfully want to make the “great change”, as Joana Macy called it, happen. We found the tools we teach to be of importance for coping with the global challenges of change, as well as with the every day work to mentor individuals through their change processes.

We offer many different trainings in Germany and one English speaking Vision Quest per year in Scotland as well as youth vision quests in the summer months.

We cooperate with a faculty of international and interdisciplinary teachers in special fields of the rites of passage work as well as of the way of council. Some of the workshops these experts offer are English speaking.

Our goal-group is mainly people who work with young people or people in transition phases of their life, such as social workers, teachers and experiential pedagogues etc. and people who want to find new ways of working with people in transition phases.

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