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We Are The Fire Keepers

Wallington, Victoria, AU

As fire keepers, we want to feed connection, to each other, the earth and to generations past and future. To keep burning the fires of traditional skills of earth connection and wild living. We help people connect to the natural environment around them; to forage, grow and cook nourishing, real food and to live simpler, more satisfying lives.

Through our nature clubs workshops and family camps, we provide opportunities for people to connect with each other, the natural world and a like-minded community. Children are nurtured to develop their enquiring minds and deepen their wonder and respect for the natural world. Practical skills based workshops help people build their resilience and regain control of their food, health and well being.

We pay respect to all of our ancestors who have kept these skills alive and on whose shoulders we stand. We express gratitude for teachers who have passed these skills on to us, and respect their teachings.

Mel grew up on the land of the Boon Wurrung and Wurrundjeri people of the Kulin nation, in a place otherwise known as Melbourne. We pay our respect to elders past, present and future and acknowledge the wisdom and rich traditions of the custodians of this land. We grieve the disrespect, disconnection and damage that has occurred in this country, and our collective loss as a result.

Mel has been mentoring people in nature connection since working at Wollangarra Outdoor Education Centre in 2010. After building her skills and community in New Zealand, she returned to Australia and rediscovered tribe with Bluegum Bushcraft in NSW. Now living in suburban Melbourne she is excited to be sharing these skills and creating opportunities for connection here. Mel is a former nurse who now prefers to heal via connection and community, she’s an ardent food grower, happy forager, soulful singer, bubbly fermenter, nutrient dense food aficionado and circus kid.

Organizational Information

Age range

  • All ages