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Wolf Connection

Acton, California, US

Wolf Connection was founded in 2009 by Teo Alfero, whose life ambition is to be of service to future generations.

For that reason, Wolf Connection is not the typical wolf and wolfdog rescue organization.

First and foremost, Wolf Connection is a youth education and empowerment program, with rescued wolves and wolfdogs as the centerpiece. With the help of the animals, young men and women reconnect with nature, learn to be of service by responsibly caring for another being, and work towards becoming the kind of person they want to be. The animals help them focus on their impulses, feelings and emotions in a constructive way; they learn to forgive and give others (and themselves) a second chance. They also reflect on, and learn about, loyalty, honesty, integrity, courage, contribution to society, commitment, sense of purpose, and self confidence. At our ranch in Acton, California, we maintain a pack of 30 wolfdogs who work with at risk youth in the Los Angeles area.

Our social network covers an even broader spectrum. True to its tagline, “An ancient bond for modern times”, our purpose is to provide a place that connects not only wolf and wolfdog lovers across the world, but also animal lovers in general. People who feel a deep appreciation and connection to the animals in their lives, and to the animals of the world. People who feel that a connection to animals brings enrichment to their lives and to their relationships with all life forms (including humans) on a day-to-day basis.

Services offered:

  • Community events for the general public such as:
  • Monthly hike with wolves
  • Monthly movie night with wolves
  • Special events such as healing workshops, singing bowl circles, etc.
  • Presentations at schools and youth organizations (i.e. foster care agencies, boy/girl scouts, at-risk youth programs, etc). We enrich pre-existing curriculums by offering three main approaches tailored to the school’s/group’s needs:
  1. Natural sciences: biology, zoology, ecology, environment and conservation
  2. Human History and Evolution: ancient cultures, traditions, and co-evolution of men and animals
  3. Moral and civic (and spiritual) education, ethics and life values
  • Guided visits to the reserve [Full day and Half day. Same approach as above.
  • Multi-day programs for schools and youth organizations [These include both educational and empowering curriculums]

Organizational Information


Acton, California, US 93510