
Transformative Justice with Kruti Parekh: Monthly Community Call


Find inspiration, get resources, and tap into the wisdom of our network.

This call features our very own Stewardship Council Co-Chair Kruti Parekh focusing on the importance of bringing Transformative Justice to our programs and organizations.

Kruti Parekh has been working synergistically with young people and families in the most marginalized communities in both New York and Los Angeles for 18 years.

Kruti’s experience includes adult ally at the Youth Justice Coalition, organizing to transform the juvenile and criminal injustice systems; director for youth programs, including YouthBuild, Teen Court, and Workforce Investment Act Programs as well as domestic violence accountability, workforce development, youth empowerment, youth leadership and wellness programs.

She would like to use her experience to help create the necessary infrastructure within Los Angeles City and County to prevent harm, death and incarceration for youth and increase graduation rates, financial independence and positive social contribution. Kruti has a Bachelor’s Degree from Brandeis University, Masters Degree in Social Worker from Hunter College and a self-proclaimed PhD (People’s health Degree) from the Youth Justice Coalition.


TJ One pager: a one page document explaining the beauty of Transformative Justice

TJ PROCESS: agreements and process to hold a TJ circle

Transformative Justice Practice Circle Agendas 2018: Questions, practice agendas and samples of TJ circles

Pod Mapping: a tool by the Bay Area Transformative Justice. “Your pod is made up of the people that you would call on if violence, harm or abuse happened to you; or the people that you would call on if you wanted support in taking accountability for violence, harm or abuse that you’ve done; or if you witnessed violence or if someone you care about was being violent or being abused.” Instructions can be found on the link above.