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Transitions and Thresholds

In early December 35 women who guide women and girls through rite of passage gathered in Ojai from across the USA and Canada. The gathering was called “Transitions and Thresholds” and was an answer to a call for women to gather and ask questions about what it means to be a woman and to guide women and girls in this time of cultural transition. Guides were supported by three wisdom keepers representing all the five nations. There was singing, celebration, communing and deep questioning about what rites of passage means now, how to define gender as gender constructs are being pulled apart by our youth, what it means to be empowered as a woman and what sort of world we are initiating people into. The gathering brought more questions than answers. These questions and the discussions and resources that women shared are available for all in a book of proceedings. If you wish to receive access to this or are interested in future gatherings you can join our facebook group Transitions and Thresholds or you can email convener, Miriam Jones, at HERE.

There was an overriding desire to continue gathering women together to ask these questions and on the whole, make space for our collective wisdom to emerge. To facilitate this a gathering has been organized in the Blue Mountains in NSW Australia for March 22-24 2019. Already over 30 women from Australia and New Zealand are intending to gather together. Additionally, there is third gathering in the UK being planned for 2020. If you feel the call and are interested in hosting a gathering in your local area the convening group is committed to supporting this through the resources and approach we have created.
We are also planning monthly themed zoom calls where women can come together to listen and discuss different burning questions that are arising. These will be facilitated by various guides and is being hosted by www.mireyacommunity.com. Again please email Miriam if you are interested in those and would like to be kept informed. We will also post information on these in the facebook group.

About the Author: Miriam Joy Jones

Miriam has been exploring cultural leadership along with both social and organizational transformation and change for over twenty five years. This curiosity has lead to a professional focus on practices and methodologies for collective wisdom, the practice of council and rites of passage for all ages wherein her personal and professional focus are deeply integrated.

Miriam has worked with a huge variety of audiences from homeless teenagers to executives in a boardroom of the top Fortune 500 companies, from the department of Prime-minister and Cabinet to those on the frontline of social justice. She has successfully founded her own companies and lead both for profit and not for profit organizations in the personal transformation and adult education sector.

She has most recently completed a year long journey as the Co Executive director of the Ojai Foundation with Adam Rumack, started a journey as a Council Trainer and continues to partner with Adam in her organizational consulting and facilitation as part of Open Circle.

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