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Wind Chimes

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The mornings I wake up with blood

c   h   i


into my sheets, dried

    to the skin of my thighs,

Are the days my yellow skin burns gold

Burnished and bright,

And I swear I am an open fla

Because it burns



Br痛岳ght and cruel

I wonder if any of this matters.

The double monolid slope of my eyes,

The curve of my cheekbones


女(樫簡 n a )


(Don’t you?)

About the Author: Alex - He / Him - They / Them

Alex is a proud Japanese and Vietnamese American and has two loving parents and a wonderful sister. They love turkey udon, their grandmother's bò kho, and eggnog without rum. In his spare time, Alex enjoys singing loudly in the shower and huddling under fuzzy blankets on rainy days.

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